I am writing this mainly out of my own interest to the topic and as way to record the different reactions, see if there is any consensus on what the reseult means and if there are any differences in the opinions. Maybe this collection of links is useful to other people interested in the topic, as well. I'll keep adding links if I find something interesting.
BBC News:
Nationalist True Finns make gains in Finland vote
Story + short video interview of Timo Soini
Der Spiegel:
Überraschungswahl in Finnland - Revolution der zornigen Männer
Wahlen in Finnland: Rechtspopulisten legen deutlich zu (Video)
Deutsche Welle:
Nationalists enjoy surge in support in Finnish elections
Das Erste:
Überragender Wahlerfolg für Euro-Kritiker in Finnland
France 24:
Eurosceptic gains in Finnish elections spark worries over EU bailouts
Euro zone reels over Finnish vote, Greek struggle
Finnish populist party surge clouds EU bailout
Euro zone woes face new Finnish PM
Svenska Dagbladet:
Ett bubblande missnöje
Stor valframgång för Sannfinländarna
Svenskspråkiga riskerar misshandel i Finland
+ Join the conversation it's freaking hilarious.
NHK World:
Anti-EU bailout party scores gains in Finland vote
Russia Today:
Finns vote for nationalists over EU bailouts row
San Francisco:
Finns vote for nationalists over EU bailouts row
New York Times;
Populist Advance in Finland Could Endanger Bailouts
Some points from the news above and a few own opinions mixed together:
Now it seems that most of the news services are taking a not e on the Euro-scepticism of TrueFinns[TF] (Am I then some sort of figment of imagination as I did not vote for them). Atleast in the BBC story Soini is saying that they are not extremists. He just conveniently forgets that quite a few far right representatives got through to the parliament from TF lists'. Although there is a substantial element of far right inclined people in TF the main reason that lead to TF victory was the disappointment to the traditional parties and their politics. It will quite interesting to how the government will look like in May/June 2011.
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